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Friday, August 27, 2010
Beautiful Black Breastfeeding Photos
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Monday, August 16, 2010
Review: The Politics of Breastfeeding
“The long journey from nutritionists’ theories to babies’ stomachs means the possibility for errors is endless. The bottles, teats and feeding paraphernalia may include such risky substances as bisphenyl A and phthalates which may contaminate the baby’s feed. Farm, factory, laboratory, packing, transport, storage and kitchen are all managed by human beings who have only a lifetime to learn their tasks. Nature has had millions of years.”
I recently had the chance to read The Politics of Breastfeeding: When Breasts are Bad for Business by Gabrielle Palmer. The book is the third fully revised and updated edition, and Palmer states in the preface that she wishes she didn’t have to write it. Twenty years ago when the first edition came out, thousands of babies were dying every day from lack of breastfeeding and unfortunately, it is still going on today. In fact, according to the World Health Organization, over 1.5 million babies die each year because they are not breastfed (how many of them would you bet are black or brown?) We have so much more knowledge now about the amazing properties of breast milk and all of the risks associated with formula feeding. Yet, our culture has embraced the messages from the formula companies, who are becoming ever more aggressive in their marketing campaigns in the face of the mounting evidence to support exclusive breastfeeding.
Palmer’s book should be required reading for everyone, not just women who are mothers or planning to become mothers. What people sometimes fail to realize is that formula is a $2 billion a year business, and the costs to us as a society when infants aren’t breastfed should be of concern to everyone. In fact, I think everyone should read this book for the chapter on the World Health Organization’s International Code of Marketing of Breastmilk Substitutes (WHO Code) alone. Palmer breaks down why the Code is necessary, the scope of the code and gives easy-to-read summaries of the 12 main provisions. For example, you will often hear people say that hospitals should be allowed to give women formula, because there are some who legitimately can’t breastfeed and NEED the formula. The WHO Code calls for no samples of artificial baby milk to be given to mothers, but does make an exception for the donation of formula in special circumstances. The stipulation is that IF a baby needs formula, then whoever provides it is responsible for providing a continuous supply for as long as the baby needs it, ie a full year or more. So bottle-feeding moms should be in full support of the WHO Code because they’d be guaranteed a full year of free formula if their babies truly needed it. But when was the last time that Enfamil did that? My guess is never. (FYI: the United States is a signatory of the Code, although we don’t actually hold any businesses to the standards set forth in it).
In addition to the Code, Palmer tackles everything from why breastfeeding is political, beginning with slavery and covering everything from wet nursing and the history of the infant formula industry, to modern complications like HIV, the global market, the value of mothering and the working woman to the greed inherent in the baby food industry and the Nestle boycott. Palmer has really thought of everything and explains how myths about breastfeeding, hospital births, kicking babies out of the family bed, racism, the WIC program, the cult of formula and on and on have conspired to sabotage women who want to nurse and wreaked havoc on breastfeeding rates around the world.
The book is so quotable I found myself highlighting and dog-earing nearly every page. Palmer gives you the real in a way that is certainly difficult to read, let alone internalize. For example, she says, “Next time you see a poor mother popping a bottle of infant formula into her newborn’s mouth do not sigh, just think how much that little one is contributing to the health of Wyeth, Abbott-Ross, Mead Johnson, Nestle and other baby food and bottle manufacturers. Both the wet-diapered philanthropists and the generous US taxpayer have those companies’ interests at heart.” Ouch!
By the end of the book you’ll be armed with more information than you can probably handle and more angry than you can probably imagine. Palmer herself says the hardest thing about writing this book has been coping with her own despair over the “progress” we’ve made over the last 20 years. She ends the book by saying, “The infant feeding companies and many misguided individuals spent a century telling women that their own milk was not there or was not good enough. Now many women have lost faith in their own bodies. They started by destroying our milk and making us believe their cocktail of coconut and cow juice was better. They will end by destroying our planet and making us believe their wasteland is what we want.”
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Thursday, August 5, 2010
World Breastfeeding Week: My Story
I have a guest post up today at The Soul Mom's blog. If you'd like to learn a little more about me, why I started this blog and where I am in my nursing relationship with my son, check out my post.
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Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Where are the images of black mothers? On the Nestle site
I am frequently asked why black women's breastfeeding rates are consistently lower than every other ethnicity's and what we can do to correct this problem. Of course if I had the answer to that question, you'd already know it because you'd be seeing me at conferences the world over, selling my book and my exclusive "Black Breastfeeding Boot Camp" program. Honestly, when I think about this question, lots of things come to mind, like lack of support from family and friends, ignorance about the benefits of breastfeeding, the way black women's bodies have been hypersexualized, the desire from poor people of color to appear to be middle class, etc. But what I bemoan with the most frequency is the lack of images of black breastfeeding. When was the last time you saw a black woman breastfeeding in real life? When was the last time you saw a black woman on the cover of a breastfeeding book? When was the last time you saw a black woman used in advertising to sell a breastfeeding product? While there are some images out there (mainly created by government agencies who are actively seeking to increase black breastfeeding rates) for the most part, black breastfeeding is rarely seen.
In addition to the lack of visibility, we also have the formula companies who aggressively market to women of color. Of course all formula marketing is pretty aggressive but women of color are often disproportionately marketed to already if they are enrolled in WIC. So on top of that, we've also got the images that the formula companies use on their websites and in their magazine ads, which also disproportionately feature women of color.
Take a look at Nestle's Baby Milk website. The first thing you see are two images of women of color, a mom who appears to be black and another who is Asian. When you get to the main content page all you see is black women and babies. I literally had to rub my eyes to figure out if it was the same model over and over again, but nope, that is several different black women and babies. The only white person on the page is the doctor.
In the last year many people have contacted me saying that they want to use images of black women breastfeeding for their books or websites or magazines, but they can't find any pictures to use. This is a head scratcher to me. I know many black breastfeeding moms on Twitter and Facebook. Were they contacted? Best for Babes managed to find a gorgeous black woman to pose in an ad campaign for them. Why can't everyone else?
So while I appreciate that breastfeeding advocates care about increasing breastfeeding rates in the black community, I think we need to concentrate on putting out more images of women of color nursing. Black women need to see themselves in this movement. They need to believe that breastfeeding is just as much for them as it is for white women. How can they do that if black breastfeeding is invisible?
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Posted by Elita at 2:04 AM View Comments
Tags: black breastfeeding, photos of black women breastfeeding
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
A Parent Is Born: Online Reality Show Series
About a month ago I learned about a new online reality series called, "A Parent Is Born." Sponsored by Pampers, Similac and Beechnut, the show follows three young families on their journey to parenthood. In the first episode we are introduced to everyone in the Favela, Smolinski, and Barston families. It's quite obvious that the Favela's are the "crunchy" family. Mom Bella went drug-free during labor and is shown reaching down to help catch the baby during the birth. She is also briefly shown breastfeeding in the introduction.
There are 14 episodes total in the series that cover topics ranging from discipline to sleep, potty training and babyproofing. This week's episode is entitled, "Feeding Baby" and is billed as a breastfeeding video. Naturally I didn't have high expectations going in, and Similac didn't disappoint.
If you can't see the 5 minute video, it begins with us seeing Bella nursing her daughter first thing in the morning. She talks about how nice it is to have that time with her baby, when it's still slightly dark outside and the house is quiet and it's just the two of them, bonding. She's a very beautiful and glamorous woman and the footage of the two them together is very sweet.
But then we see the three sets of families, sitting together outside, discussing breastfeeding and formula feeding.
Here is the transcript from the conversation. It's long but definitely worth reading if you can't see the video. Bolded parts are emphasis mine.
Subtle. This is what we want new mothers or moms-to-be to know about breastfeeding? That 2 out of 3 moms won't be able to breastfeed because not only might your baby never be able to breastfeed, but he'll probably be allergic to your milk and be miserable anyway. Isn't it something that both of these moms had babies who needed to be on the twice-as-expensive hypoallergenic formula? And how about Lauren who, when she calls her pediatrician for breastfeeding advice, is told to switch to formula. Did anyone explain to her that evening fussiness is totally normal, as is clusterfeeding. Was she trying to schedule the baby's feeds? Did she meet with a lactation consultant? Talk about getting "booby trapped" by a health care professional!
If you think that these messages aren't damaging, think again. Bella, the mom who is enjoying the beautiful breastfeeding relationship with her 5-month-old daughter, sat looking somber during this discussion but didn't say anything. You may be thinking that as a breastfeeding mom she was probably wise to stay quiet because anything she would've said would have been misconstrued as being judgmental. But look at how quickly she internalized the message from these two women. The next time we hear from Bella she says:
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Monday, August 2, 2010
Guest Post: Bye Bye Breast Burka
In honor of World Breastfeeding Week, I'm pleased to present a guest post today by Leigh Anne O'Connor, IBCLC. We've been talking a lot about nursing in public lately and every day we hear about another mom being harassed for breastfeeding her baby at the Y, the park, the mall or a restaurant. When nursing is invisible, it hurts everyone. Breastfeeding mothers don't feel comfortable nursing in public and the average person begins to believe nursing is too intimate an act to be done in public and feels justified asking moms to leave. Are cover-ups the answer?
I asked her,
Leigh Anne O'Connor is a private practice lactation consultant and La Leche League Leader living in NYC with her husband, Rob, and their three children. Her other interests include acting, writing, yoga and baking. Connect and learn more about her on her website,
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Sunday, August 1, 2010
Surgeon General's World Breastfeeding Week Statement
Surgeon General Dr. Regina M. Benjamin released a statement on Friday in honor of World Breastfeeding Week about her hopes to reduce disparities in breastfeeding rates. Dr. Benjamin is an African-American woman from Alabama, a state with one of the lowest breastfeeding rates, particularly among black women. Currently, less than 45% of black mothers in Alabama initiate breastfeeding. The CDC's Healthy People 2010 goal is for a breastfeeding initiation rate of 75%, with 50% still breastfeeding at 6 months, and 25% at one year. We've got a ways to go.
World Breastfeeding Week provides an opportunity to highlight the benefits of breastfeeding and to make people aware of how we can lend support to mothers who want to breastfeed.I am committed to promoting and supporting optimal breastfeeding practices with the ultimate goal of improving the public's health. This is because breastfeeding is the best source of infant nutrition, and it provides immunologic protection and health benefits both to breastfeeding mothers and to the children they nurse.The Affordable Care Act that was enacted earlier this year takes some significant strides in support of breastfeeding. The new law requires employers to provide time and a safe space for women employees who want to express their milk. It also requires health plans to offer certain preventative services without cost-sharing requirements, including counseling and support for mothers who want to breastfeed and for nursing mothers.This fall, I will release a Surgeon General’s “Call to Action” that will draw from the best available science to explain how all sectors of the community can help create an environment that is supportive of mothers who choose to breastfeed. It will show how a community-wide approach can help reduce disparities among breastfeeding mothers and children of all backgrounds, and how to improve support for nursing women in their workplaces and communities.I hope World Breastfeeding Week will help Americans become more aware of these resources and use them throughout the year.
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Posted by Elita at 8:22 PM View Comments
Tags: african american breastfeeding, black breastfeeding, black breastfeeding rates, breastfeeding quotes, quote of the day
I Breastfeed Because....
In honor of World Breastfeeding Week, breast pump company Ameda has launched the "I Breastfeed Because..." campaign to give moms a voice and allow them to share their stories. Mothers who have breastfed in the past or are currently breastfeeding are encouraged to share a 20-second video on why they breastfeed.
Here's me discussing why I breastfeed. (Please excuse the nasal tone...I've been suffering from a sinus infection for weeks and I'm already pretty nasally as is!)
Want to share your story? You can, on Ameda's website, and they'll donate $5 to the Human Milk Bank Association of North America (HMBANA) for every video and $1 for every Tweet or comment on the site! In addition, everyone who uploads a video will be entered to win the grand prize of a $2,500 nursery makeover, or one of 25 $50 American Express gift cards.
Even better news? My pump of choice, the Ameda Purely Yours, is now available on and will be available in stores soon. Before you had to order online or know an Ameda rep locally, but now the Purely Yours and all of its accessories will be available at a store near you!
So what are you waiting for? Why do YOU breastfeed? If you make a video and want to share it, please upload it to Youtube and leave a link in the comments so we all can see!
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