There are few things less attractive than a person eating. People who
do so in public should be charged with indecent exposure. At the very
least, they should apologize to all the other folk in the vicinity. If
they can't cover their naked mouths then they should stay at home!
I don't see why people can't either eat before leaving the house, or
just take an IV with them. It is a simple matter to carry the
necessary equipment and liquid nutrients in a small cooler. For
goodness sakes, companies give away the coolers for free! And did you
know that the growing trend is to wear a permanent hep-lock in your
Who wants to see people put food in their facial orifice in public?
Come on, we all know what mouths are for, and THAT is most
appropriately done in private!
If people insist on eating in public, the least they can do is to use
a head cover. There are so many attractive covers now available that
you can even match one to your outfit as a fashion statement. It is
easy to make your own from a yard of knit fabric, and you don't even
need to hem it.
As for this law I keep hearing about, prohibiting the harassment of
those who feed in public, well, that is just ridiculous! We need to
return to the good old days when public decency was more common.
--Norma Ritter, IBCLC, RLC
Breastfeeding Matters in the Capital Region
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