In addition to offering computers and software to support low income communities in the United States, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is involved in efforts to support breastfeeding across the globe. Melinda says that "breastfeeding programs are among the best investments in global health." Smart woman! She recently visited the Dowa District Hospital in Dowa, Malawi where a successful government program is helping women to exclusively breastfeed by providing post partum home visits.
They are also helping to fund The Living Proof Project, a global media initiative intended to highlight the successes of US-backed global health initiatives. Their hope is that by highlighting the good things that the US is doing around the world, it will reframe the current conversation about foreign aid. So much of what we see about life in places like Africa looks like complete and total misery, that many feel that their tax dollars that are going to help people there is a waste. The problems appear insurmountable. The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation hopes that the Living Proof Project will dispel that myth and show just how much countries are able to do with the very little aid that we provide.
Here are some photographs I loved from the work that is being done in Ghana to encourage mothers to exclusively breastfeed.

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