Sunday, November 9, 2008

Salma Hayek- still breastfeeding!

I just read a great interview with Salma Hayek in the UK's Sunday Times online. In it she discusses her work with Pampers and Unicef and her breastfeeding relationship with her 14-month-old daughter, Valentina. Some great quotes:

"You don’t know what pain I’m in after two hours, how difficult it was at first. And by the way, the myth that says you lose all this weight when you breast-feed? That is sooo not true."

“I’m like an alcoholic,” she shrugs. “It’s like, I don’t care if I cry, I don’t care if I’m fat, I’m just gonna do it for one more week, one more month, and then, when I see how much good it is doing her, I can’t stop."

Loves it.

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