Sunday, November 16, 2008

Carnival of Breastfeeding- Supply Booster Reviews

Hello and welcome, Carnival of Breastfeeding readers! This month's carnival is dedicated to reviews of breastfeeding accessories. I'll be reviewing a few products that I have used during my nursing relationship with my son as supply boosters.

First up, Motherlove's More Milk Plus.
More Milk Plus - Safe, effective galactagogue herbal lactation formula to increase breast milk for breastfeeding mothers
Galactagogues, or substances known to increase milk supply in lactating women, are frequently used by moms who either have a low supply or dips in supply at certain times in their cycle. Some of the most frequently used galactagogues are herbs, including fenugreek, blessed thistle and nettle leaf. Motherlove is an herbal company that sells products specifically for pregnant and nursing women. They have created a wonderful product called More Milk Plus that contains all of the aforementioned ingredients, plus fennel seed. It comes in a tincture and you take 3 dropper fulls per day on an empty stomach.
Now, this stuff is absolutely vile-tasting! It's probably the worst thing I've ever had to choke down, but it works like a charm! My son went on a nursing strike when he was about 8 months old and my breasts quickly went from full and heavy to feeling saggy and empty. I was devestated because pumping was not bringing my supply back. Within 48 hours of taking the More Milk Plus reguarly, my supply was right back where it was supposed to be. This tincture really is a miracle. It has also been proven to work wonders in women with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS), a common disorder among black women which can prevent your milk from coming in effectively. It also comes in a capsule form for those of you who can't stand the taste of the tincture, but I can't vouche for its efficacy.

Another product I love for boosting supply is something you probably already have in your cabinet at home: oatmeal! It has been touted as a supply booster and it really does work. If you can't stand oatmeal, then make home made oatmeal cookies and add in some brewer's yeast for an extra bump to your supply.

I've also used Mother's Milk teas, but they really don't do much for your supply and aren't very tasty. You're much better off sticking to More Milk Plus or taking a large dose of fenugreek. Lactation consultants recommend taking 3 capsules, 3 times per day. When you and your baby start smelling like maple syrup, you've got the dosage right!

Lastly, if you're stressed out about your supply and having trouble letting down for the pump, Bach's Rescue Remedy works wonders to help relax you and can help in eliciting the letdown reflex.

I used to take this before pumping at work and it really made me feel very mellow. You have to be cautious and not use it too often because it can cause sleepiness in your baby, but it's an excellent way to increase your pumping output. Rescue Remedy is 100% natural and includes flower essences. You can take it by putting a few drops into a large glass of water and sipping on it before pumping, or put a drop or two under your tongue for an almost instantaneous calming effect.
It won't increase your actual supply, but it can help you get more out of your pumping sessions and every little ounce counts!

To see what everyone else is writing about in this month's carnival, click the following links.

Breastfeeding Mums: The Food of Love review
Jenny at Babyfingers: Bravado Essential nursing bra tank
Halfpint Pixie: Gorgeous nursing bras
Motherwear: Breastfeeding and pumping CDs
Mama Knows Breast: Utterly Yours breastfeeding pillow
Mama's Magic: Breastfeeding Basics (and Bling!)
Breastfeeding 1-2-3: Medela Sleep Nursing Bra
LaylaBeth Munk: Nursing product junkie!
Hobo Mama: Nursing pads

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