I'm very excited to introduce you all to a new product from one of my sponsors, Undercover Mama! The Undercover Mama is a strapless undershirt that allows a Mama to wear her favorite nursing bra, which gives shape and support to the "girls," while also keeping the "muffin top" area covered. It offers moms lots of versatility because it turns any bra into a nursing tank! It's perfect for layering or can be worn on its own.
Yes, the Undercover Mama works with ALL bras, not just nursing bras. When moms are done nursing, they can (and do!) still wear their Undercover Mama as a layering top. At $20, it's both stylish and affordable. It's especially great for busty moms who don't get enough support from a built in "shelf" bra.
Undercover Mama is also generously offering a 15% coupon for Blacktating readers. Simply enter code 15OFF at checkout. This offer can be combined with the promotion for free shipping when you purchase more than one shirt.
Curious how the Undercover Mama works? Check out this video for a demo.
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