Dr. Leah and Rachel of the Single Mommyhood blog recently held a giveaway for a copy of Unbuttoned: Women Open Up About the Pleasures, Pains and Politics of Breastfeeding.
I was ecstatic to find out that I won the book and it arrived in the mail yesterday. I cannot wait to read it and I will post my review of it as soon as I'm done.
You may have heard of this book a couple weeks ago when an excerpt from Rachel's essay ("Lust and the lactating mother") was featured on Salon.com. In it, Rachel discusses one of her first dates after becoming a single mom. At the time she was still nursing her daughter and allowed her blind date to drink her breast milk. As you can imagine, that set off a shitstorm in the comments section, as well as other sites, including Jezebel. Go read the essay when you get a chance. It always amazes me how uptight people get over breast milk. My husband tasted my milk, I tasted my milk. Most women's breasts leak during sex and orgasm. Breasts are typically a part of sex and foreplay. Why is it a big deal if someone else drinks your milk?
Anyway, if you're a single mom, you'll definitely want to check out the blog. There is a lot of good information there, as well as community for single parents. Also, check out the book. Rebecca Walker also wrote an essay about her experience nursing her son while he was in the NICU. There are 25 essays in total, including one by a woman who defends her choice not to nurse her three daughters. This oughtta be good!