I just read a blog post that ruined my day. The venerable Nancy Mohrbacher, co-author of the popular Breastfeeding Made Simple: 7 Natural Laws for Nursing Mothers and IBCLC at Ameda Breastfeeding Products has left her day job there after nearly 9 years. Why? Because Ameda's parent company, Evenflo, has decided it will no longer comply with the WHO Code. According to Nancy, who was instrumental in helping Evenflo become Code compliant after they bought Ameda in 2008, she received word of Evenflo's intentions to once again begin marketing their bottles last Monday and has resigned from her job.
So now Ameda Breastfeeding Products is in the same boat as Lansinoh, a company that is Code compliant (Ameda doesn't even make products covered by the Code) but is a subsidiary of a Code violator (in Lansinoh's case, the parent company is Pigeon). With Medela openly stating that they do not and will not honor the Code, is there any breastfeeding product company left that will? Because as I am sitting here at my computer, I can't think of one.
Edit: Ugghh, how could I forget Hygeia?! But seriously, one company that takes this seriously? ONE? Please tell me there are more!
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