I'm thrilled to announce that PumpEase, the hands-free pumping support, is a new sponsor of Blacktating!As you may know, the PumpEase was created by Wendy Armbuster Bell to allow moms to go hands-free when pumping breast milk for their babies. The product is ingenious because it holds your breast pump securely in place so that you are free to multitask. With your PumpEase in place, you can complete work at your desk, talk on the phone, eat or even head out to the malls for some Black Friday shopping. (No, seriously, check out the photos of the mom who did just that on the PumpEase blog).
As someone who pumped for 6 months after returning to work, I know how difficult it can be. I always felt guilty simply sitting at my desk and pumping for 20 minutes while getting absolutely nothing done. There were times when I had projects and tasks to complete and would rush through a pumping session so I could get back to work. I also remember trying to hold both flanges with just one outstretched arm so I could shoot off a quick email or answer an important phone call and I would inevitably end up spilling (and wasting!) precious milk. I am sure that having a PumpEase would have made things much easier. If you're exclusively pumping, the PumpEase would be a lifesaver, allowing you to care for your baby while also pumping his lunch!
The PumpEase is compatible with all nursing bras and all breast pumps, so no matter what brand you are using, the PumpEase has you covered. It also comes in a variety of cute patterns (my favorite is the Snowy Leopard).
Now of course after I've told you how useful the PumpEase is, you want your own right? Well PumpEase has generously offered one of my readers the opportunity to win a PumpEase! You can select the size and style of your choice and this giveaway is open to everyone, as PumpEase ships internationally!
Simply leave a comment below telling me which PumpEase you'd like to win (don't worry, you can always change your mind!) Entries will be accepted until midnight EST on Sunday, February 27th and the winner will be announced on Monday, February 28th on Blacktating.
Want some extra entries?
- Already a fan of Blacktating on Facebook? Leave a separate comment letting me know.
- Already a fan of PumpEase on Facebook? Leave a separate comment letting me know.
- Follow me on Twitter? Leave a separate comment letting me know.
- Follow PumpEase on Twitter? Leave a separate comment letting me know.
- Tweet this giveaway for an extra entry. Leave a separate comment with a link to your tweet.
- Share this post on Facebook for an extra entry. Leave a separate comment letting me know.
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