The organization Action Against Hunger has created an initiative in Haiti, supported by UNICEF, to protect breastfeeding in Haiti. Since the earthquake, lots of mothers have stopped breastfeeding under the mistaken belief that stress and lack of adequate food would make their breast milk go bad. With the influx of formula donations, a lot of women began to formula feed, despite the lack of access to clean drinking water.
After the earthquake, AAH set up tents in Port-au-Prince to provide mothers a safe place to breastfeed their babies. The women in the tents also provide mothers with medical, nutritional and emotional support. Here is a short video about the initiative and how AAH is working to protect breastfeeding in Haiti.
Meeting Urgent Needs of Women with Young Children in Haiti from Action Against Hunger USA on Vimeo.
You can read more about these "Baby Tents" on UNICEF's site. Also, American Idol star Kris Allen recently visited Haiti and performed "Amazing Grace" for the women and children in one of the Baby Tents.
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